In the midst of patchwork meadows, among rows of luscious vineyards, or cozied up in rolling hills, Folde + Sonder emerges as something familiar but unique.
A hidden sanctuary awaiting your exploration, Folde + Sonder offers more than just unparalleled treatments—it’s a promise of tranquillity, serenity, and a chance to reignite connections, far from life’s chaotic buzz.

Drawing inspiration from borrowed landscapes, we immerse you in unhurried moments. at the Folde + Sonder Studio

Let us elevate your senses with our curated menu of face and body rituals, drawing inspiration from the studio’s surrounding landscapes for nourishment, contemplation, and grounding

Inspired by the fertile soils of Sussex and abundant botanicals, our FOLDE + SONDER products combine nourishing textures with delicate fragrances for an indulgent experience.